The Support System Within Wealthy Affiliate

For me, Wealthy Affiliate is, and has been a wonderful platform with an outstanding amount of information that is extremely helpful in teaching newbies how to build their very own Niche Websites, create competitive content, how to get content ranked in Google, Bing, and Yahoo search engines, how to partner with companies that offer affiliate programs, Wealthy Affiliate even open doors for Web Design, Video content and tutorials, and much more, this is just to name a few of the categories about The Support System Within Wealthy Affiliate.


Top Menu

Contains a search-bar

A pencil with drop-downs that offer options for:

  • Blog at WA
  • Create Training
  • Write an Article
  • Build a Website
  • Find a Domain








A circled W that offer options contained in a Credit Dashboard:

  • Cash Credits that contain Cash Credits, Affiliate Credits, and Cash Credit History
  • Community Credits that contain Community Credits, and Community Credit History
  • Transfer Credits that contain options where you can send a fellow member credits they can use towards WA platforms like SiteFeedback, SiteContent, SiteDomains, Membership Dues, or to be cashed out for USD (Cash credits).

















A circled $ that offer options for:

  • Program Details
  • My Stats
  • Tasks
  • My Referrals
  • Links & Tracking
  • Messages
  • Banners











An airplane symbol that tracks Premium Referrals:

  • WA Las Vegas Super Affiliate Conference – Achieve 300 Premium Referrals in 2020 and earn an invitation to hang out with Kyle, Carson and others on this all-paid private conference!










A symbol of a bell that contains:

  • My Notifications


A symbol of an envelope that contains:

  • Inbox
  • Outbox



A Topbar

Your Personal Coach Kyle contains: 

Recommended Training contains:

  • Researching Your Competition 
  • Continue Training

Learn About WA contains:

Main Section and Sidebars

Left Sidebar contains:

Main Post contains:

  • Updated WA Blogs
  • New Premium Members
  • New Questions
  • New Blogs
  • Today’s Top 10 Posts
  • Motivating Posts from Wealthy Affiliate Members
  • Success is Happening at Wealthy Affiliate
  • Wealthy Affiliate Members Know How to Rank
  • Hot Topics
  • Google Loves Wealthy Affiliate Hosted Websites
  • Members Accomplishments
  • New Training
  • Welcome New WA Members!
  • Today’s Top 10 Training
  • New Training

Right Sidebar contains:

  • Type a new message here search bar


  • Online Entrepreneur Certification
  • Affiliate Bootcamp
  • My Training Activity
  • Training HQ
  • Classrooms



  • Websites
  • My Recent Websites
  • My Recent Content

Live Events

Offers two calendar months of scheduled, upcoming, past, and subscribed events.

Jaaxy Research

  • Site Rank
  • My Keyword Lists
  • Search Analysis
  • Alphabet Soup
  • Brainstorm HQ
  • Affiliate Programs
  • Niche Keyword Lists

Affiliate Programs

  • Popular Categories
  • Popular Keywords
  • Trending Opportunities
  • High Commissions
  • High Percentage
  • Top Rated

Live Chat

Offers an add a new message here search-bar.

Help Center

  • Site Support
  • Ask a Question
  • Live Chat
  • Private Messages
  • Premium Coaches
  • Top Helpers Today

As you can see with you very own eyes, The Support System Within Wealthy Affiliate is very active, as well as, have an outstanding amount of activities that will aid in the support one needs in order to become a professional in the Affiliate Marketing world.


I hope that you have really enjoyed this post, you might also be interested in other information which can be found in JMJ45TECH’s ONLINE STORE.



















I hope that you have really enjoyed this post,

Please Leave All Comments in the Comment Box Below ↓






Author: HBS & DwJ

10 thoughts on “The Support System Within Wealthy Affiliate

  1. Hello, 

    Wealthy affiliate is a great platform and I really like what you have said here about them, because it’s the truth and it’s part of what makes them specialist and stands out amongst the other. The fact that there are people who we ready to help you there at WA is really amazing! 

    1. Good evening,

      Thank you for reading, commenting on this Wealthy Affiliate article, and considering it really amazing! When starting this site, I wanted to study the things that I have been learning, continuing to grow on, and also share them with the rest of the world.

      Wishing you much success ahead!

  2. Hello there, 

    I’m really glad I came across your article “The Support System Within Wealthy Affiliate”. I think the wealthy affiliate platform is a great medium for earning through online marketing and affiliate earning and as a member myself, I’m glad it has helped me a lot. I think it’s great that you explained the various support systems within wealthy affiliate and their functions. 

    1. Good day,

      Thank you so much for your kind words. I will definitely have more information that will be helpful for you. Stay tuned!

      I Hope The Best For You In Your Future Endeavors!

  3. Thank you for this great overview of the support system within Wealthy Affiliate. 

    I think the support system is what really makes this platform unique. I am a member, but I don’t even use all of the features that you described here. I will have to look into some of the features more, such as the recommended training and the affiliate program search. 

    Thanks for reminding me of all the awesome resources that are right here within Wealthy Affiliate.

    1. Hi, is another website created by JMJ45TECH that assist anyone who may be interested. Whether you are starting a successful business, deciding to do some shopping, or deciding to do some Holy Bible Study, these are options available to assist you.

      Nothing is impossible, if you Believe, you can Achieve.

      Keep owning your struggles as victories!

  4. Hi, 

    I have been with Wealthy Affiliate for 3 years now and even I didn’t know all the features that you explained here in this blog post, haha. 

    The support team of Wealthy Affiliate is indeed the greatest one on the market, in my opinion. Whenever you have a question, there are plenty of ways to get an answer to your problem, and almost instantly. 

    I am very happy with the support team from WA!

    1. Hello,

      I definitely agree with you. 

      Thank you so much for participating in this conversation.

      Stay Blessed,


  5. Hello Jerry, I read your article and feel it will be great if I pass this comment. 

    I am a product of the support system from Wealthy affiliate. From the weekly training and the ever-ready-to-help community. They are all built around helping members to succeed. Top of it is the always available top helpers you highlighted. 

    You can be rest assured to get help any time needed.

    1. Hello,

      Thank you for your comment.

      I definitely agree with what you said. I too am a product of the Wealthy Affiliate System, and I must say it has really taught me a lot.

      I started off learning how to create my own websites, HBS & DWJ and JMJ 45 T & M. Then I moved on to creating my own podcast, HBS & DwJ Podcast. My latest creation is my HBS & DwJ Podcast Store.

      All of this happened because of the training I received at Wealthy Affiliate.

      Thank you again for your comment.



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