About Me

Hello, Jerry here,

In August 2019, I was thinking about an online opportunity to make extra income but I did not have a clue where to begin.

I found Wealthy Affiliate and this is where my life of making extra income experience began. With Wealthy Affiliate, not only did I properly learn how to make extra income, Wealthy Affiliate has put me on a path of learning how to properly create and build websites of my own.


My Story

I have tried different money making ideas, and worked for several companies throughout my working career, only to continue being faced with furloughs, and at times, company downsizing.

Since my experiences with Wealthy Affiliate, things are different, I have finally found a platform where I can share my personal blogs, and make money doing it as an Affiliate myself. I really wished I have found this platform over ten years ago, and of course, use the knowledge that I have now to go along with it.

The truth of the matter is, there is a lot of time that must be put in, but after you have worked hard, planted some seeds, through strong efforts, the pay off is amazing, and I don’t have to work as hard as I did before.



After some time of hard work and creation, JMJ 45 TECH AFFILIATE MARKETING is finally launching its website. Everyone, including, existing and prospective clients are welcome. I just want to share this information with anyone who is willing to work hard and invest in their own business.

I am not exactly sure how I stumbled across these learning tools, but once I did, and started receiving a lot of help from people who did not even know me, it actually made me feel really good. Now I want to pay it forward, of course I will make some money along the way, but this system is designed to help anyone who is willing to work hard, at least this has been my experience.



Since discovering Wealthy Affiliate, I have discovered other opportunities and resources that other people may be looking for in order to grow into a profession of their own. Whether you are a retiring individual or a person looking to make a change in life, I hope this website can be a resource for you. I set up this website to share my experience with others and to help others who may want to generate a reliable income from the comfort of their own homes. I plan to share a number of resources that can enrich your lives in all areas, hope you will find this information and resources to be what you need in order to make your lives very rewarding.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post and If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,


I hope that you have really enjoyed this post,

Please Leave All Comments in the Comment Box Below ↓






Author: HBS & DwJ

8 thoughts on “About Me

  1. I appreciate your explanation about finding Wealthy Affiliate.  

    It sounds like an excellent opportunity, especially to help someone who is new online to get started. Your story is very similar to my own. I did not have a clue where to get started either. I will definitely check out Wealthy Affiliate to see what they have to offer.  

    It sounds like a great resource.

    1. Hello,

      Thank you for utilizing a portion of your time for the reading and commenting on this About Me post.

      Wealthy Affiliate is most definitely an excellent opportunity and excellent training on how to build an online empire from scratch; However hard work and time are major factors to any success.

      Thank you for your comments, they are greatly appreciated.

      Many Blessings To You My Friend!

  2. Thank you for sharing your story and finding Wealthy Affiliate with your readers. Wealthy Affiliate has been a life changing experience for me as well. Being able to help others and share resources on a platform like Wealthy Affiliate is great. But it also provides one with world class training and a supportive community. 

    All the best in your online journey and I look forward to reading more of your posts.

    1. Hello Again,

      You are most certainly welcome for the sharing of my feelings about Wealthy Affiliate.

      I agree with you 100%.

      Thanks for stopping by, and I look forward to creating more post for you to read and comment on

      All the best in your online journey as well,


  3. Thank you for sharing your story. 

    Wealthy Affiliate isn’t a get rich quick scheme as some would be led to believe and like you say, it does take time and huge amounts of effort before any results are seen. I’m coming up to my first year and love this platform and the great community it brings.

    Like yourself, I had no idea how affiliate marketing worked but decided to give it a go anyway. There wasn’t much to lose and it has taught me how to create a website and type faster! 

    Earning money from affiliate marketing does take time and I’ve still yet to see what I can potentially earn. It hasn’t put me off though as I’m enjoying the journey and it works well alongside my other work commitments.

    1. Hello,

      You are welcome for the sharing of this portion of my story, however, I am still in a building process so my story is not complete yet.

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

      Please Have A Blessed Day,


  4. Hi Jerry!  

    Super exciting and congratulations on your endeavor with Wealthy Affiliates. 

    I am super new to the platform, and am a little overwhelmed but feel confident in what I am learning and the community of professional, supportive people I have met. 

    Best of luck with all that you are doing! 

    1. Hello,

      Thank you for your comments, as well as congratulating me on my endeavor with Wealthy Affiliate. 

      You have landed in the the right place, I too have learned a lot from this platform. 

      Best of luck with all that you are doing as well,


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