What % of parents working from home are actually making sure their children, who are schooling from home, are completing their schoolwork?
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, it is probably pretty safe to say that more than 50% of parents were working well over 40 hours a week, just to get by. As the years continue to pass us by like a freight train, the lives of many have continued to become more expensive. Many are working longer and harder hours than ever in order to maintain.
Unlike entrepreneurs who choose to run a businesses from home, since the pandemic, many have been forced to become entrepreneurs who works from home while integrating parenting-teacher into their business activities.
Here a 5 things to consider when answering this question
- Co-parent households
- Single parent households
- Educational level of the parent(s)
- Age and grade of child
- School support system
- Co-parent households where the care, and upbringing of children are equally shared by two or more adults. A mother and a father, which are the traditional co-parenting configuration. Other co-parenting configurations may include a parent with an adult sibling or grandparent, two fathers, two mothers, or a parent and another adult relative. However this co-parenting configuration is set up, it is focusing solely on the child. In the United States, there are around 5 million children who live in co-parent households.
- Single parent households where a family with children is headed by a single parent. There may be many reasons a home may be headed by a single parent. This may include births to unmarried women, divorces among couples, a widowed parent, or other reasons not mentioned here. In the United States, there are around 18 million children who live in single parent households.
- Educational level of the parent(s) may have an effect where it
concerns combined uses of time, involving some use of multi-tasking, combined uses of space that accommodates the presence of the child or children; promoting and supporting the state of health and well-being; Emotions intertwined with creativity mood and motivation; changes in social behaviours or social relations; a child’s development in terms of processing information, perceptual skill, conceptual resources, etc.
- Age and grade of child or children in the United States concerning home education, conducted by an online teacher, tutor, or a parent, in which the overall
educational standards are set by the state, in the United States and often mandate standardized tests. These test are administered and scored in a consistent, or “standard”, manner. Standardized tests are designed in such a way that the questions, conditions for administering, scoring procedures, and interpretations are consistent and are administered and scored in a predetermined, standard manner. The curriculum is based and categorized in an American expression that indicates the range of years of supported primary and secondary education found in the United States which are arranged from kindergarten to 12th grade.
- School support system The 2002 No Child Left Behind Act, passed by a bipartisan coalition in Congress provided federal aid to the states in exchange for measures to penalize schools that were not meeting the goals as measured by standardized state exams in mathematics and language skills. The 2006 Commission on the Future of Higher Education evaluated higher education. In December 2015, President Barack Obama signed legislation replacing No Child Left Behind with the Every Student Succeeds Act.
When considering all of this, what do we have?
Now, the elusive question…
How Are You Going To Do It Now?
Think about what can be done at home to simulate the schoolhouse:
- childcare responsibilities
- chow times
- snack times
- schooling responsibilities
- breaks between lessons
- recess
Creating a daily schedule in order to keep a routine might not be such a bad idea:
- homeschooling lessons
- limits on screen time
- work time
- family time
There may be times that homeschooling your children may become distractive, and divert your attention from successfully completing your professional work. It may be wise to consider this while creating your daily schedule. You might even consider adjusting your work time to a less busy time in the day if you have the flexibility to do so. Set alarms for times that you need to be aware or reminded of. However you decide, whatever works for your given situation, just be sure you are putting safety first.
Many may have reached their tipping points with government, and want a different solution concerning the safety and welfare of children
A parent, person with parental responsibility for a child, has an express liability, whoever is responsible for the child at the time. Just as in employment health and safety, the powers of parenthood can be delegated but not the duties. Parents should make arrangements for suitable and properly informed people to have responsibility for their children.
In the wake of COVID-19, parents are reasonably concerned about the safety of their children returning to class at school. According to some news outlets, indicates if children become infected, the best available evidence seem to suggest, they may be far less likely to exhibit suffering of severe symptoms.
Educational instruction, the development of social and emotional skills, a safe environment for learning, nutritional needs, and making physical activity easier, are all a part of an influence that the in-person school environment has on children.
What ever decision that is made concerning a child, ultimately, falls in the hands of the person with parental responsibility for a child.
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What is your opinion on this issue?
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I hope that you have really enjoyed this post,
You have given some good information on the topic of schooling at home. Let me offer another perspective.
When my firstborn son was almost school age, we made a decision that was quite radical for the time; we chose to homeschool him. It just seemed so natural. We had already been teaching him so much, just casually reading, playing learning games, and such. Actually, he’d been learning since birth, I suppose.
Well, 8 more kids (total of 5 bio, 4 adopted) and we homeschooled all of them through high school. Some then went to college, others joined the family business or took other business routes. And they are all quite successful!
I should mention that we also worked from home all those years.
So you see, our life, while it was radical for the time, is very close to what many are now living due to the Covid19 pandemic. We just lived it by choice, rather than by pandemic.
Thank you for your perspective on The New Normal – Working At Home, Schooling Kids, as many of us already know, there are always a lot of changes that must be made, as well as challenges that most often, must be overcome for any type of growth to even begin to take place.
When we chose to home-school our children, we really have control as to what we will like for them to learn in addition to the curriculum outlined by the educational system. We may even have more influence on teaching our children the core values of leadership, in order to become any type of positive example in our environment.
Please Have A Blessed And Enjoyable Day!
As we are living in a constant change world which is full of confusion and unsettled people, you have provided perfect training on your site.
There is a lot of training here which gives more sight of how, as a parent, I should act. As parents and teachers, we really need wisdom and the know-how approach with our children in order for them to understand their uniqueness at this point in time.
Thank you.
Thank you for stopping by and commenting on this post. I agree with your comment, and as far as I am concerned, you are exactly right. There are way too many bad examples out in the world that our children often attract to. As parents, it is our jobs to reel them in a bit, and The New Normal – Working At Home, Schooling Kids seems to be a really great start.
Thank you for your support,
GOD Bless!
In the wake of COVID-19, parents are reasonably concerned about the safety of their children returning to class at school.
According to some news outlets, they indicate, if children become infected, the best available evidence seem to suggest, they may be far less likely to exhibit the suffering of severe symptoms.
Good morning,
Thank you so much for your comment.
Enjoy Your Journey and Stay Blessed My Friend!
The sad thing about this pandemic is that many governments have forced vaccinations upon even our children with or without parent permission.
People are skeptical now of the governments and their policies and many seem to be operating as dictators even in democratic societies.
Many parents are concerned about government over-reach into family affairs and think the best way to protect their children is to keep them at home.
If you are to school your children at home, one parent must remain home so who is going to replace the pay lost from two parents working?
Your site provides some valuable information for parents who need that support.
Thank you for the article.
Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on The New Normal In 2020 – Working At Home, Schooling Kids.
I have heard both sides about vaccinations, and as you stated, a number of people have been forced to receive it. Whether it is required by employers or other reasons, it does take the freedom of choice away.
However, a number of people have decided to receive it voluntarily, to protect themselves and others from the suffering that some may endure from contracting the virus naturally.
There are so many questions about all of this and not nearly as many answers. It seems that the only thing we can do is, whatever works best for the situations we may find ourselves in.
Thank you again for your time.
Blessings To You,
I agree with you that the pandemic opened us up to a world of endless opportunities.
Many now see how they can work from home and still school their children. Like you said one of the most important factors is the education of the parents.
It tells how far they can school their wards. Parents with higher education are better placed when it comes to educating their wards.
Yes, It really showed us all about the endless opportunities that we might not have thought about that soon.
It is amazing how quickly we adapt to new environments under pressure, but that’s how life is if we keep trying.
Thank you for your comment, it is greatly appreciated.